Category Archives: 2019

Global Talent

Masquerading for Distinguished Talent In the past twelve months, there have been a number of [...]

Regional or bust!

Quenching the Regional Labour Pool Drought At GV we have talked a lot about population [...]

Compare the Pair – Australia vs New Zealand Immigration

Compare the pair – same location in the southern hemisphere, same British colonial roots and [...]

The Paralegal Diaries: Blurred Lines – Mindfulness and Mindful Practice?

The other day I was in Dymocks with no set intention and stumbled upon Mindfulness [...]

How to Get an Automated Sponsorship Accreditation Approval – Quick

No this is not click bait, and no there isn’t a catch.  This is real, [...]

A Thank You and Farewell to our first ever Client Manager Kerin Jitla

No she’s not leaving us – she’s having a baby! She loves hot chocolate on [...]

Global Talent Visa: Coming Back for a Second Season?

During the last few months we have been sitting on the edge of our chairs [...]

The Paralegal Diaries: It’s Finals Week

The other day a friend asked me why I was stressing about my exam when [...]

The 2019 VAC Increase

2019 Federal Budget Announcement: Visa Application Fees to Increase Earlier this year the Federal Budget [...]