Nicole Zhou
Why did you become a lawyer?
I initially decided to become a lawyer because I enjoyed the subject of Legal Studies in high school. As part of it, I completed a week of work experience at the Children’s Court of Victoria and was able to see first hand how the profession positively served the community. Granted, university law was nothing like the high school subject and I did later question this career choice a couple of times (mostly mid-exam period!). However, I persisted in proving to myself that I was capable and was encouraged by the hope that it would ultimately be a fulfilling career to be able to help others.
The best part of your job?
I think the best part of my job is the clients. Their gratitude for our assistance makes the job incredibly rewarding and I love that I can make meaningful impacts in their lives.
If you could write a book about your life, what would the title be and why?
I was trying to come up with a witty title, but the only thing I could think of was NICOLE mononymously across the front of the book in caps-locked bold. And hopefully, that is enough to draw some readers in.
What advice would you give to your teenage self?
To be more present and not take life too seriously! Enjoy all the little moments as much as you can, and you’ll figure everything out along the way.
Favourite food?
The first thing that popped into my head was the breakfast sandwich from Good Ways Deli. Sounds boring but it is genuinely so good. Everyone I’ve convinced to try has agreed so far.
What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?
Remind myself that everything is fine and distract myself by doing something I know will make me feel better. Whether that be hanging out with a friend, going for a walk while listening to music or watching some trashy reality TV.
What energizes you outside of work?
Spending time with loved ones and whatever new hobby I’ve decided to pick up for the month. This month it’s Pilates (let’s see if this one sticks).
What’s a trip that changed you, and why?
I think maybe a trip to Hawaii at the start of 2020. I really appreciated how relaxed the lifestyle was and I left feeling somehow lighter yet more grounded. This was also right before Covid-19 hit so I felt super lucky to have gotten a trip in before everything locked down. It made me appreciate the trip, and just being able to travel in general, so much more.
What’s one of your favourite memories from the past year?
This would definitely be travelling to Europe with friends last July. We hopped around London, Paris, Nice, Marseilles, Amsterdam, Athens, Milos, and Barcelona. It was a dream 3 weeks and I can’t wait to go back.
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Lisa Kudrow, please. I love her.

Wenger Fan
Why did you become a lawyer?
I chose to become a lawyer because I’ve always been fascinated by the power dynamics inherent in how officially recognised rules govern individuals’ behaviour and how they regularise this regulation. When I was young, I often found myself subject to rules imposed by various authorities, be it governmental or otherwise, without understanding their rationale or how to challenge them. This sense of powerlessness left me feeling disconnected from my own agency and humanity. It eventually spurred my interest in the law as I find it meaningful to comprehend the intricacies of these rules and learn how to question the way they are exercised. This helps me empower myself and others.
The best part of your job?
Being trusted by clients and being part of the process of others’ changing their lives by migration.
If you could write a book about your life, what would the title be and why?
I would title it Stories of Other Lives. This is because I sense my life as a consequence of taking influences from other people impacting me in various ways. In a way, their lives were extended to mine and became part of it. I live because they live. My story is therefore, theirs.
What advice would you give to your teenage self?
Buy Bitcoin. Be rich and you can start to pursue self-fulfilment.
Favourite food?
Fried Barramundi with salad.
What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?
To hypnotise me, imagine that I could have died yesterday from an accident, but instead, I’ve exchanged my death for this bad day.
What energizes you outside of work?
Working out.
What’s a trip that changed you, and why?
No trip has changed me. The moments when I truly changed were the ones I spent staying put, reflecting deeply while facing great challenges or fears.
What’s one of your favourite memories from the past year?
It was when I was spending time alone that I received three messages of thanks from friends I had assisted before, all within one hour. It reminded me of the many good deeds I had done without even being fully aware of them.
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
I cannot think of any real person to play me. But if we can go for animated characters, I’d have to say Crayon Shin-chan.

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