Category Archives: 2018
Happy Holidays and a Blissful New Year Ahead
This marks our final week of operation for 2018. With the myriad of changes that [...]
The Paralegal Diaries: Christmas at Gilton Valeo
T’was the month of Christmas, when all through the office, not a creature was stirring, [...]
A Recap of Migration in Numbers
Words are always up for interpretation but numbers provide a much clearer picture of the [...]
Are You a Citizen? Prove it.
Prior to the French Revolution, the status of citizenship was only for the elite and [...]
To submission or not to submission – a prevalent question for most immigration lawyers
As a young lawyer working in the International Assignment Services division of a Big 4 [...]
The Paralegal Diaries
The dialogue on our GV blog posts have often been centred on the future and [...]
10 Things to Know When Transitioning from an International Student to an Australian Permanent Resident
Planning your permanent visa options as an overseas student does not have to be an [...]
The Streamlined processes we all need to know about
In every system there are rules that we need to abide by, procedures that we [...]
Brace yourselves, the SAF levy will take effect on 12 August 2018…
It was officially released yesterday that the Migration (Skilling Australians Fund) Charges Act 2018 (‘SAF [...]